This section presents the information considered important to know prior to reading the consolidated financial statements of Ferrovial.
The consolidated financial statements of Ferrovial were prepared in accordance with the IFRSs adopted by the European Union. The accounting policies applied are disclosed in Note 1.3 of this section.
In 2016 there were no changes in accounting policies or new standards applied that had a significant effect.
As regards the new standard IFRS 15 (Revenue from Contracts with Customers), although the standard is not mandatorily applicable until 2018, the Company has decided to apply it early in 2017. Note 1.3.1 contains a more in-depth analysis of the estimated impacts of early application, together with an analysis of possible impacts of standards IFRS 9 (Financial Instruments) and IFRS 16 (Leases).
The disclosures presented in these consolidated financial statements include most notably, due to their importance, those relating to the distinction between infrastructure project companies and non-infrastructure project companies (see Note 1.1.2 for a definition). Also noteworthy are the disclosures relating to two of the Group’s main assets, i.e. its investments of 25% in HAH, the company that owns Heathrow Airport, and of 43.23% in the concession operator of the ETR 407 toll road in Toronto (Canada).
Changes in the scope of consolidation and assets and liabilities held for sale:
Note 1.1.3 provides detailed information on the main changes in the scope of consolidation in the reporting period.
The most significant changes in 2016 were as follows:
- In the Services Division, the acquisition of the Australian company Broadspectrum in May 2016.
- In the Toll Roads Division, the sale of Chicago Skyway and an ownership interest in the Irish M3 and M4-M6 toll roads, the classification of the Portuguese toll roads as held for sale, and the exclusion from the scope of consolidation of the US SH-130 toll road, since control was considered to have been lost as a result of the developments in the Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings in which the concession operator is involved..
The main effect of these transactions on the consolidated financial statements is observed in net borrowings. There was a reduction in the net cash position of non-infrastructure project companies, due mainly to the acquisition of Broadspectrum, which had an impact of EUR -934 million (EUR 499 million relating to the purchase of the shares and EUR 435 million relating to the debt contributed), as well as in the net borrowings of infrastructure projects, which fell by EUR 1,420 million as a result of the exclusion from consolidation of SH-130 and by EUR 388 million due to the classification of the Portuguese toll roads as held for sale.
This section includes the main estimates made by Ferrovial when measuring its assets, liabilities, income, expenses and obligations (see Note 1.3.4).
Although Ferrovial’s functional currency is the euro, a significant portion of its activities is carried on in countries outside the eurozone, its exposure including most notably that to the pound sterling, the US dollar, the Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar and the Polish zloty. The evolution of these currencies vis-à-vis the euro is shown in Note 1.4.
In the course of 2016 the euro appreciated significantly against the pound sterling, influenced by the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union (Brexit), the possible risks of which are discussed in Note 5.4, Management of financial risks and capital, as well as in the Risk section of the directors’ report. With regard to the other currencies, the euro depreciated against the US dollar and the Canadian dollar (the currencies of the Group’s main toll roads), and it appreciated against the Polish zloty.