1.1.1. Basis of presentation
The consolidated financial statements are presented in accordance with the regulatory financial reporting framework applicable to the Group and, accordingly, present fairly the Group’s equity, financial position and results. The regulatory framework consists of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), as established by Regulation (EC) no. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 July 2002.
1.1.2. Company activities
Ferrovial comprises the Parent, Ferrovial, S.A., and its subsidiaries, which are detailed in Appendix II. Its registered office is in Madrid, at calle Príncipe de Vergara 135.
Through these companies, Ferrovial engages in the following lines of business, which are its reporting segments pursuant to IFRS 8:
- Construction: design and performance of all manner of public and private works, including most notably the construction of public infrastructure.
- Services: maintenance and upkeep of infrastructure, facilities and buildings; waste collection and treatment; and rendering of other kinds of public services. As a result of the new acquisitions, other services such as the maintenance of energy and industrial facilities were added in 2016.
- Toll roads: development, financing and operation of toll roads.
- Airports: development, financing and operation of airports.
For a more detailed description of the various areas of activity in which the consolidated Group conducts its business operations, please consult the Group’s website: www.ferrovial.com.
For the purpose of understanding these consolidated financial statements, it should be noted that a part of the activity carried on by the Group’s business divisions consists of the performance of infrastructure projects, primarily in the toll road and airport areas, but also in the construction and services fields.
These projects are conducted through long-term arrangements with public authorities under which the concession operator, in which the Group generally has an ownership interest together with other shareholders, finances the construction or upgrade of public infrastructure, mainly with borrowings secured by the cash flows from the project and with the shareholders’ capital contributions, and subsequently maintains the infrastructure. The investment is recovered by means of the collection of tolls or regulated charges for the use of the infrastructure or through amounts paid by the grantor public authority based on the availability for use of the related asset. In most cases the construction and subsequent maintenance of the infrastructure is subcontracted by the concession operators to the Group’s Construction and Services Divisions.
From the accounting standpoint, most of these arrangements fall within the scope of application of IFRIC 12.
Accordingly, and in order to aid understanding of the Group’s financial performance, these consolidated financial statements present separately the impact of projects of this nature in “Investments in Infrastructure Projects” (distinguishing between those to which the intangible asset model is applied and those to which the financial asset model is applied), in non-current financial assets, and, mainly, in the net cash position and the cash flow disclosures, in which the cash flows called “non-infrastructure projects”, which comprise the flows generated by the construction and services businesses, the dividends from the capital invested in infrastructure projects and investments in or divestments of the share capital of these projects, are presented separately from the cash flows of the infrastructure projects, which include the flows generated by the related concession operators. In addition, a list of the companies regarded as infrastructure project companies can be consulted in Appendix II.
It is also important to highlight that two of the Group’s main assets are its 25% ownership interest in Heathrow Airport Holdings (HAH), the company that owns Heathrow Airport in London (UK), and its 43.23% ownership interest in ETR 407, the concession operator of the ETR 407 toll road in Toronto (Canada), which have been accounted for using the equity method since 2011 and 2010, respectively. In order to provide detailed information on the two companies, Note 3.5 on investments in companies accounted for using the equity method includes information relating to the changes in the two companies’ balance sheets and statements of profit or loss, and this information is completed in other Notes with data considered to be of interest.
1.1.3. Changes in the scope of consolidation
Set forth below is a description of the most significant changes in the scope of consolidation in 2016. The information was prepared taking into account IFRS 3 and the other disclosures required by the standard that do not appear in this Note are included in the Note on goodwill arising on consolidation (see Note 3.1).
Services: acquisition of Broadspectrum
The most significant change with respect to 2015 arose as a result of the acquisition of Broadspectrum, a leading company in the Australian services industry, which provides a wide range of services, such as maintenance of infrastructure and of industrial and energy facilities, and various services of a social nature. The company also has a presence in other countries such as New Zealand, the US, Canada and Chile.
Ferrovial achieved control of this company through a takeover bid that was ultimately closed for a price of AUD 1.50 per share, and which was completed on 13 May 2016, with the obtainment of control, once the new members of the company’s Board of Directors had been appointed. Therefore, Broadspectrum’s financial statements were included in the scope of consolidation of the Group from 31 May 2016. The price paid for the shares amounted to AUD 769 million (EUR 499 million). Broadspectrum’s revenue for the period to 2016 year-end was EUR 1,446 million (seven months), while the result contributed to Ferrovial amounted to EUR -18 million, which includes the amortisation of the intangible asset generated in the purchase price allocation process (see Note 3.1).
Services: other acquisitions
In addition, in the course of 2016 a further three acquisitions were completed in the Services business, two in Spain and one in Poland. The main data relating to these acquisitions are shown in the table below:
Siemsa |
Biotrán |
Amest Kamiensk |
Line of business |
Services for the energy, petrochemicals and industrial sectors |
Waste management for the pharmaceutical industry |
Waste treatment plant |
Date of acquisition |
25 February |
22 July |
18 January |
Acquisition price (EUR) |
17 million |
11 million |
8 million |
% of ownership acquired |
100% |
100% |
80% |
Sales |
47 |
4 |
4 |
Profit |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Construction: acquisition of Pepper Lawson
In 2016 the Group acquired the US construction company Pepper Lawson Construction, which specialises in water infrastructure and non-residential building construction work. This transaction was completed for a price of USD 12 million (EUR 11 million) on 6 April, the date on which Pepper Lawson’s financial statements began to be consolidated within the Group. Pepper Lawson’s revenue for the period to 31 December 2016 was EUR 124 million, while it reported a loss of EUR -3 million.
Toll roads: definitive sale of the Chicago Skyway and Irish toll roads
In addition, in the first half of 2016 the agreements were concluded for the sale of the Chicago Skyway and Irish Eurolink M3 and M4-M6 toll roads. These transactions, which commenced in 2015, are described in Note 1.2 to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2015. In the case of the Chicago Skyway, the transaction gave rise to a net gain of EUR 103 million. In the case of the Irish toll roads, the total gain was EUR 21 million, recognised in net profit, including the recognition at fair value of the 20% ownership interest retained (EUR 6 million in net profit).
The proceeds received in 2016 in connection with these transactions totalled EUR 289 million (EUR 230 million for the sale of Chicago Skyway and EUR 59 million for the sale of the Irish toll roads), which together with other disposals of lesser amounts had a total impact on the Group’s cash flow of EUR 340 million (see Note 5.3).
Toll roads: agreement to sell the Portuguese toll roads
Also, in June 2016 an agreement was entered into for the sale of the Portuguese toll roads Euroscut Algarve and Norte Litoral to the Dutch fund management company DIF for EUR 159 million, with Ferrovial retaining interests of 48% in Euroscut Algarve and 49% in Norte Litoral. At the date of these consolidated financial statements, these sales had not yet been authorised by the related authorities and, therefore, the assets and liabilities of the toll roads were reclassified as held for sale (see Note 1.2).
Toll roads: exclusion from consolidation of SH-130
SH-130 Concession Company, LLC, which was excluded from the scope of consolidation in December 2016, had been involved in Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings since March 2016. As a solution to these proceedings, on 5 December the judge appointed to hear the case approved all the documentation required for a subsequent vote on the reorganization plan for the concession operator that had been proposed by its creditors. Under this plan, Cintra would sell its ownership interest to the creditors for a symbolic price of USD 1, and thus no longer form part of SH-130’s shareholder structure.
For their part, on 8 December the concession operator and the main creditors entered into an agreement to support the aforementioned reorganization plan, which resulted in Cintra losing control over SH-130. The plan support agreement was approved by creditors representing 50% of the interest-bearing debt, which is the majority required by the US Bankruptcy Code for the reorganization plan to come into effect. This approval was subsequently ratified in a vote held before the judge on 11 January.
Ultimate implementation of the plan is subject to completion of a series of procedural formalities to facilitate the orderly transfer of the company’s management. As a result of the agreement entered into on 8 December, it was concluded that, in accordance with IFRS 10, the ownership interest in SH-130 should be excluded from consolidation at 2016 year-end, since the Group no longer had the current ability to direct the relevant activities of the company and it was not exposed, and did not have rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee. The commitments assumed by SH-130 vis-à-vis its creditors, approved as part of the bankruptcy court proceedings, prevent it from directing the company’s operations as if it were not involved in such proceedings, since it does not have the ability to manage its most relevant activities, and the sole objective of the actions of the managing body and the management team is to minimise any impact that might jeopardise the viability plan approved by the creditors.
This transaction gave rise to the recognition of a gross gain of EUR 52 million (EUR 30 million in net profit or loss), relating to the losses previously recognised in excess of the capital invested in the project (EUR 169 million) and a EUR 1,421 million reduction in the net debt.
Airports: acquisition of Transchile
On 6 October 2016, Ferrovial acquired Transchile Charrúa Transmisión, the company which owns a 204-kilometre transmission line between the Charrúa and Cautín substations in Chile, for an initial investment of USD 115 million (EUR 102 million); USD 45 million (EUR 40 million) of this investment were subsequently refunded, giving a net investment of USD 70 million (EUR 62 million). Transchile’s revenue amounted to EUR 2 million, and it reported a loss of EUR -1 million.
This acquisition signalled Ferrovial’s entry into the electricity transmission infrastructure development business. Since this new area will be managed by the team responsible for managing the Airports segment, as indicated in paragraph 5 of IFRS 8, the new activity will be reported on as part of the Airports business segment.
New projects: I-66 and Slovakian toll roads
In November 2016 Cintra, in consortium with the infrastructure fund manager Meridiam, was selected to design, construct, finance, operate and maintain the project to transform the I-66 toll road in Virginia, which is worth more than EUR 3,000 million. The project comprises the construction of 35 kilometres along the Interstate 66 corridor (Washington access) between Route 29 and Interstate 495, in which Ferrovial Agromán and the US constructor Allan Myers will be involved. The road will have three regular toll-free lanes and two managed express lanes. Construction of the project is scheduled to end in 2022, whereupon the 50-year concession term will begin.
The concession operator for the project will be I-66 Express Mobility Partners LLC, which will be accounted for using the equity method (50% ownership interest), while the company in charge of construction will be FAM Construction LLC, which will be fully consolidated (70% ownership interest). The financial close of this project will foreseeably take place in 2017.
Furthermore, Cintra, in this case in consortium with a Macquarie infrastructure fund, was also selected to design, construct, finance, operate and maintain the D4 bypass and the R7 expressway in Bratislava in Slovakia. The financial close of this project was reached in May, with a total expected investment of EUR 975 million. The concession, which is a payment-for-availability arrangement, will have a 30-year term that will start after completion of the construction period.
The concession operator for this project will be Zero Bypass, Ltd., whose financial statements will be included in those of the group using the equity method (45% ownership interest). The company in charge of construction of the roads will be D4R7, which is 65% owned by the Group and, therefore, will be fully consolidated.